黑耀石 Obsidian - 敦促与守护我们成长的黑武士 The black knight who urges and protects our growth


黑耀石 Obsidian

对应脉轮 Chakra:海底轮 Base Chakra
适用领域 Field :健康,事业  Health, Career

使用时机  When to use:
*希望生命有所改变的时候  Hope to be changed in life
*渴望自己脱离目前的生活方式  Desire different ways of lifestyle
*面临人生重大改变时  When you need to faced with major changes in life
*感觉有负面能量侵害时  When you feeling negative energy in yourself




1. Changes
If you feel that your growth is stagnant and that you need a strong impetus to make a major changes in life, there is no better stone than Obsidian.
It will help you identify the blockages - the strata of your ego and the weaknesses and personality flaws of your being that prevent you from growing any further.
Some aspects of this process will be painful, but the gain will be of great importance. There is also a great deal of pain in self-deception, so it is worth it to make this step.

2. Courage
Obsidian is a stone of truth, protection, integrity, honesty and grounding.
This stone awakens the inner warrior and provides courage to enter our subconscious mind and rediscover our hidden abilities.
Obsidian works like a mirror in which we can clearly see our own mistakes and weaknesses. 

Moreover, this stone will provide assistance and insight into the possible ways of correcting those mistakes. Obsidian urges us to grow and lend solid support while we work toward the goal.

3. Against negativity
Obsidian is a strongly protective stone, forming a shield against negativity. It grounds you to the earth through the base chakra, absorbs negative energies, and strengthens you in times of need. It is helpful to highly sensitive people. It blocks psychic attack and removes negative spiritual influences.

Edit by Memento Collection

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