如何保养你的水晶手链~ How To Care For Your Crystals~


 How To Care For Your Crystals~

1. After wear the crystal bracelet, use a piece of dry clean cloth to rub the crystal bracelet to prevent the crystal lose luster.

2. Not to shower or swim with your bracelet on. Chemicals like Shower Gel may cause corrosion of the crystal surface, it will make crystal look dull.

3. Besides that, make sure separate the crystal bracelet and others jewellery to prevent crystal crash with others jewellery.

4. How to purify your crystal?
Method 1:
 a. Find a clean empty Bowl/plate/glass, for the placement to gravel clear quartz
 b. Put the gravel clear quartz into empty Bowl/plate/glass, and put the crystal which you want to purify into the Bowl/plate/glass. (Put it for couple hours, or 1 night)

Merhod 2:
a. Light your Palo Santo stick.
b. Let the stick catch fire, and allow it to burn for about 30 seconds. Then, gently blow out the flame.
c. Say aloud or silently, “I ask that the plant spirit of Palo Santo please infuse this bracelet with blessings.” and make clockwise circles with your hand holding the crystal.
e. When you are finished, place your Palo Santo stick in a fireproof container (Ex. Ceramics,Abalone shell). The glow at the end of the stick will eventually go out on its own.


1. 戴過的水晶手鏈表面不免會粘有汗漬、油垢,都應當在返家後,用干净的布擦拭一下,以免水晶失去光澤及生命的顏色。

2. 在运动和冲凉时,應把所佩戴的水晶卸載。喷香水时也注意尽量不要让香水接触到水晶,長期讓我们的汗水和那些洗澡液或香水等化學物品侵蝕,水晶首飾表面可能會受到傷害。

3. 除此之外,水晶飾品和其他珠寶一樣,需要分開置放,以免水晶發生碰撞,造成刮痕。

4. 隔一段時間,可以將你的水晶取出來消磁淨化一下。

a) 找一个乾淨的空容器(不限定容器材質,可以是陶瓷制作的也可以是玻璃制品)用於放置碎石。
b) 将適量的天然水晶碎石倒入準備好的容器中(碎石如若感觉到不干净或是有灰尘之类的需要清洗,建议用纯净水清洗),將需要消磁的水晶首飾放在消磁石上面。


a. 点燃 Palo Santo
b. 让它燃烧约30秒。然后,轻轻吹灭火焰。
c. 真挚的在心里默念:“请Palo Santo给水晶注入祝福。”
d.  一边顺时针缓缓转动Palo Santo。
e.  完成后,将 Palo Santo放入防火容器中(例:陶瓷,鲍鱼壳)。圣木末端的火光和烟雾将会慢慢消散。

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