青金石 Lapis Lazuli - 守护我们踏上正确道路 To Protect us on the right path


青金石 Lapis Lazuli

对应脉轮 Chakra :喉轮,眉心轮 Throat Chakra,Brow Charkra
适用领域  Field :事业,心灵成长 Career, Spiritual growth

使用时机 When to use:
*需要极高度专注力时 When you need to be highly focused
*希望找到生命道路时 Want to find a path in life
*无法决定工作,职业甚至恋爱对象时 When you can't decide on a relationship or career direction
*希望提升学习能力以及成就者 Want to improve learning ability and achievement
*当自我表达受到阻碍时 When expression is hindered


3.  深层宁静


1. Focused 
Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal for activating the mental clarity and enhancing intellectual ability. Lapis keep us focused and to not be overwhelmed by the negative. Let us see clearly and understand what we really need.

2. Self-expression
Lapis Lazuli is a stone of communication that can bring truthfulness and openness. And allows for self-expression without holding back or compromising.

3. Serenity
It is also an excellent meditation stone. Quickly relieves stress, allowing for peace and serenity.

Edit by Memento Collection

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